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In order to help fund the travel and set up for social media content Mr . Billingsley will be applying for grants and also offering merchandise for sale on his website. MYSTABEE.COM. There, people will have the ability to purchase positive and motivational shirts, hats, and hoodies that line up with the Mysta Bee brand and with the vision as a whole. The intention will be to start a movement and create a community of like-minded individuals who have or are still overcoming cancer. The goal being to cause a move of encouragement, testimonials, love, reflection, admiration, and faith. For people to see people predicated off circumstances and potentially undo some previous biases. For people to find and offer hope, unity, and appreciation.
God “is greater than cancer” is a project that is planned to launch in 2025.
Its goal is to bring about social awareness and encouragement to the cancer fighting and cancer surviving community. Brent Billingsley who is currently going through cancer treatment shall be spearheading this project. He was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in October of 2024 and was put through immediate intensive chemotherapy. He is now going through radiation treatments and reports to be healing rapidly
every day. The project will consist of a series of interviews and testimonials done by Brent Billingsley to others who have similar stories to his own. The objective being to encourage those who are going through a very challenging time and are in need of some positive encouragement.
These interviews will then be posted all over social media with the intention of followers to like and share the content.
It will also be encouraged that others post their own testimonials and share that content as well. Mr . Billingsley
has attributed his life, healing, and purpose of this project to his faith in God, and how God has allowed him to persevere. His childhood prayers, his adult missteps, and his reconnection with God has pushed him to utilize his talents and gift of therapeutic artistic engagement wherever his is permitted. Mr .
Billingsley also has the utmost respect for other belief systems and will also be talking to other religious groups of persons who have the common denominator of love and how it has the ability to overcome us all. His main objective is to explore the power of faith and how people who are going through tragedies
recognize that they are not going through their ordeal alone. The goal will be for Mr . Billingsley to get a personal testimonial in all 50 states and territories of the U.S. He plans to get one in-person interview once a month.

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